Article Archive for May 2008
Kevin Beaumont takes a look at The Office season 4 finale.
When the announcement hit the wire that The Office had been sold to NBC for an American remake, I instinctively groaned, picturing the American reworking …
Half Ton Dad - Channel 4
I think my first encounter with the idea of the morbidly obese was either What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?, or an episode of Record Breakers, needless to say had I been born ten years …
Doctor Who Series 4 Episode 7 : ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’ BBC 1 May 17th 08
The longer this series of Doctor Who continues the more I suspect that the producers are using an online …
The BBC has demanded that a Doctor Who fan removes knitting patterns for toys based on the Ood and Adipose ‘monsters’ featured in this series. The pattern writer argues she has done nothing wrong but …
My Name Is Earl – E4, 10.00pm
The decision to bang up the protagonist of a show, with the entire plot being based around the fact that he is on a journey of redemption, may have …
Bulletin Bored – The Monthly Response to Ofcom’s Broadcasting Bulletin
By Kirsty Walker
Ofcom Sanction ITV
Ofcom, the standards watchdog for broadcasters, has issued ITV with a whopping £5.6 million fine for breaching fairness rules over its …
Kirsty Walker reviews Child of Our Time, aired BBC One 8pm, Wednesday 7th May.
Sir Robert Winston is back with his troop of youngsters, they grow up so fast don’t they? In the case of the …
Kevin Beaumont takes a look at The Apprentice – aired BBC One, 9pm, Wednesday 7th May 2008.Watchdog, the consumer watchdog program hosted by world renowned satanist Nicky Campbell is a show which features average people …

Mia Kaare – Subtitler and translator for Estonian TV – talks about grappling with Heroes.
Can you describe briefly what your job entails?
I translate films, documentaries and TV series. I get a script (not always accurate) …
Well, here we are. End Of Show has arrived. Take fear, TV industry – we’re ready, willing and able to watch your shows.